Behavioral Interview Prep Worksheet

Happy Day! 🥳
When have you helped mentor a new joiner?
What is a specific thing you did that positively impacted a project you worked on?
When have you had to think on your feet?
How would you use technology to solve a real-world problem?
When have you taken ownership of something?
How have you dealt with a conflict scenario?
When have you had multiple competing priorities and how did you handle that?
What helpful feedback have you received and how did you use it?
When did you give someone feedback?
What is something challenging that you have worked on (technical or non technical) and what was the impact or outcome of it? What did you learn from this experience?
When did you disagree with your manager?
When did you fail and how did you learn from that?
Can you tell me something about you that isn’t on your resume?
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
How do you earn the trust of a team?
What community do you care about? If you had a chance to contribute, how would you do it?
If you could take additional training in any job-related area, which would you choose?
What are some of your hobbies?
What challenge does our company face and what would you do to fix it?
Who is someone you’ve worked with who had a great impact on you?
What do you think are some of the key success indicators for someone working in the Software Engineer role?
Why would you make a good fit for this company?
Why are you interested in CS and Software Engineering?
What are you looking for in a job?
What motivates you?
Why did you choose your college?
How do you stand out from the crowd?