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Don’t Make These Mistakes During Your Technical Interview 

June 23, 2024

Landing a software engineering internship often hinges on acing the technical interview. While your coding skills are essential, how you approach and solve problems during the interview is equally important. 

Below, we’ve gathered some common mistakes and pitfalls. Avoid these to ensure that you put your best foot forward. If you’d like more information on the coding interview, join our waitlist to be notified when the Internship Playbook is released! The full Playbook will include detailed information about what happens during a technical interview, how to practice coding questions, and what factors are key to passing the interview.

Coding Without Explaining Your Thought Process

One of the most critical aspects of a technical interview is demonstrating your problem-solving approach. Interviewers want to see how you think, not just the final solution. As you code, make sure to:

  • Verbally explain each step you take.
  • Discuss your reasoning behind choosing a particular approach or algorithm.
  • Highlight any assumptions you’re making and why.

Example: "To solve this problem, I’ll first initialize a variable to store the result. Then, I’ll iterate through the array to check each element. If the element meets the condition, I’ll update the result. This approach allows me to efficiently find the solution in O(n) time complexity."

Starting to Solve the Problem Without Asking for Clarification

Jumping straight into coding without fully understanding the problem is tempting, but it can lead to mistakes and wasted time. Always:

  • Clarify the problem statement.
  • Ask questions about any ambiguous parts of the problem.
  • Confirm the expected input and output formats.

Example: "Just to clarify, should the function handle negative numbers as well? And are there any constraints on the input size? How does the problem define subsequence?"

Ignoring Edge Cases

Ignoring edge cases can lead to incomplete or incorrect solutions. Make sure to:

  • Identify and discuss potential edge cases before coding.
  • Test your solution against these edge cases after implementation.

Example: "An edge case for this problem might be an empty array or an array with only one element. We should ensure our solution handles these scenarios correctly."

Getting Stuck and Not Asking for Hints

It’s normal to get stuck during a technical interview, but staying silent and struggling alone can be detrimental. Also, asking for help can show your teamwork and communication skills, which might have a positive effect. If you find yourself stuck:

  • Ask the interviewer for guidance or advice on how you should proceed
  • Explain where you’re having trouble and what you’ve tried so far.

Example: "I’m having trouble figuring out how to handle the recursive case for this problem. Do you have any advice on how to approach it?"

Starting to Code Without a Plan

Diving into coding without a clear plan can lead to inefficient or incorrect solutions. Before you start typing:

  • Outline your approach verbally or on paper.
  • Break down the problem into smaller, manageable parts.
  • Ensure you have a clear understanding of the algorithm you plan to implement.

Example: "Before I start coding, I’ll outline my approach. First, I’ll sort the array. Then, I’ll use a two-pointer technique to find pairs that sum up to the target value. This plan will help me ensure I’m covering all necessary steps as efficiently as possible."


Avoiding these common mistakes can significantly improve your performance in technical interviews. By explaining your thought process, seeking clarification, considering edge cases, asking for help when needed, and planning your approach, you’ll demonstrate not only your coding skills but also your ability to think critically and communicate effectively. Good luck with your interviews, and remember that each one is a learning experience that brings you closer to landing your dream software engineering internship!