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Five Common Behavioral Questions and How to Answer Them‍

June 24, 2024

Behavioral questions can seem silly, but companies find them very important when deciding between candidates. The good news: they're a winnable game. If you think about some common questions ahead of time and practice answering them, you'll crush every behavioral interview you get.

In this post, we explain how to answer five of the most common behavioral questions. Each explanation has an example answer, which you can use as a template when creating your own responses.

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1. Tell me about yourself

This question is the most common one you'll hear, but it's easy to mess up. Your answer should be detailed but concise, complete but narrow, and friendly but professional. Sound tough enough? To complicate things further, this is one of the few behavioral questions that doesn't work with the STAR format.

For starters, you'll want your answer to be 1-3 minutes. You should begin with a greeting and your name, and then give the interviewer a quick background about yourself (hometown/country, current school, grade level, and major/minor). After that, you should mostly focus on Computer Science (along with any other applicable academic interests). Explain how you first found your passions, why you choose to pursue these interests, and what experience you've had. Lastly, explain what motivates you and why that makes you a great fit for this internship. End your answer by thanking your interviewer for taking the time to interview you, and tell them that you're excited for the conversation.

In other words, these are the questions you should answer in 1-3 minutes:

  • Background: Where are you from and where do you go to school now?
  • Interests: What are your main academic/career interests and why? How did you get involved with these interests?
  • Experience: What relevant experience have you had (previous jobs, projects, internships, research, etc.)?
  • Fit: What motivates you and why does that make you a great fit for this internship?

Example Answer

Hi, my name is Zach! I’m originally from Sacramento, California, and I’m currently a junior at Michigan. I’ve always been really interested in coding, and throughout middle school and high school I spent time coding video games with friends of mine. We made several “.io” games, one of which still gets a few thousand visits every day! Since starting college, I’ve found another passion: Sustainability. I think the Environmental Crisis is the biggest challenge facing our generation, and I’d like to help solve it. I’ve created two websites from scratch that try to educate the public about different aspects of Sustainability, and have also taken many classes in both Computer Science and Environmental Science. Last summer, I did Data Analysis research with a professor at my school. I think all of this makes me a great candidate for an internship at EnviroLabs because I’m passionate about the work and have all of the skills necessary to hit the ground running! EnviroLabs would be the perfect company for me because it would allow me to connect my two main areas of interest and provide me with the perfect learning experience as I start my career. Thanks for taking the time to interview me today, I’m looking forward to the our discussion.

2. Can you describe a challenge you faced on a project and how you handled it?

It doesn't matter how good of a programmer you are: we've all struggled to get past a roadblock. Maybe it was the first time you learned recursion, or maybe you couldn't figure out how to make a list in C.

To answer this question, you don't want to talk about a project that you found confusing or that took a long time. Instead, you'll want to reference a specific challenge, like implementing a complicated feature or fetching data from an API with bad documentation. This challenge can come from school projects, independent projects, or previous internships. If none of those apply to you, think about other projects that relate to the company's work. For example, if you're interviewing with a bank, you could talk about some Economics research you did this year.

The other aspect of this question is that you want to be able to talk about a positive outcome, such as solving the challenge or finding a way around it. Interviewers don't really want to hear that you couldn't solve the problem and that you gave up after a little while. So make sure that your story has a happy ending. If you need to embellish a little bit about the outcome, that's ok.

For this question, STAR works perfectly. Here are the questions you should answer:

  • Situation: What is the context behind this project? Was it something you did for a class, an internship, etc.? Give an overview of the project.
  • Task: Which part of the project was a challenge? Why did it seem so difficult at first?
  • Action: How did you approach the challenge? Did you try multiple strategies? Did you pivot to get around the challenge?
  • Result: What was the (hopefully positive) outcome of the project? What did you learn from the challenging part? How would you do things differently next time?

Example answer

Last year, I built a website for my school community that allows students to see who is living in each dorm the following semester. It allows them to create a profile and add their phone number or social media usernames, which helps facilitate connection between dorm-mates before the semester begins. I finished this independent project last May, and the site has already been used by half of the students at my school. This project was challenging for many reasons, but I especially struggled with building the sign-in functionality. I had never tried to make a secure website before, and I had also never worked with the Okta API. I made the mistake of diving into the code before understanding the concepts, which left me confused and burnt-out after I spent days stuck in the same place. At that point, I realized how much I didn't know, and I switched from trying random lines of code that I found online to watching a YouTube course on Okta security. I quickly saw that I had been approaching the login system in the wrong way (from the front-end instead of from the API), and after that I was able to get things working with a few more hours of work and some help from a friend. This challenge taught me the importance of taking my time and fully understanding new concepts before starting to code. I also learned to embrace challenging problems and stay level-headed despite frustrating roadblocks. In my recent project, I spent extra time learning before I began coding, and I was much less prone to being totally stuck!

3. What are your greatest strengths?

‍When an interviewer asks about your greatest strengths, they want to understand what you bring to the table and how you stand out from other candidates. This question gives you a chance to showcase your skills and experiences that align with the job. It's important to be specific and give examples that demonstrate your strengths in action. Avoid generic answers like "I'm a hard worker" or "I'm a team player." Instead, focus on unique strengths that are relevant to the job and provide concrete examples that highlight these strengths.

You should have three strengths in mind and one example for each. It’s important to avoid being cocky (“I’m really good at coding” or “I’m a better leader than everyone else in my class”), but you also want to seem confident and self-assured. If you don’t believe that your strengths are real, neither will your interviewer.

For each strength, follow the format below:

  • Overview: Describe your strength. When have you noticed that you’re good at it?
  • Origin: How did you develop this strength? Was there a moment when you struggled in this area and then figured something out?
  • Example: What was the context in which you demonstrated this strength? What actions did you take to leverage your strength in this situation? Be specific about what you did and how you did it. What was the outcome of your actions? How did your strength help achieve a positive result? What did you learn from this experience?

Example Answers

Analytical problem-solving is one of my core strengths. I have always been good at breaking down complex issues into manageable parts and systematically addressing each one. I first noticed this skill during my college years when working on challenging math problems. I struggled with a particularly tough calculus problem in my sophomore year. After hours of frustration, I decided to take a step back and break the problem into smaller parts. This approach not only helped me solve the problem but also taught me the value of systematic analysis. Since then, I have honed this skill through various projects and coursework. Last summer, I interned at a startup where I was tasked with improving the performance of their main web application. The website was lagging under increased traffic, so I first analyzed the performance metrics to identify bottlenecks. I discovered that database queries were causing delays, so I optimized the queries and implemented caching strategies. Additionally, I refactored some front-end code to enhance efficiency. As a result, the website's performance improved significantly, reducing the page load time by 40%. This experience reinforced my ability to tackle complex problems by breaking them down and using data to guide decision-making.
Communication is another key strength of mine. I excel at conveying complex information in a clear and concise manner, which I first noticed during group projects in college. Early in my college career, I struggled with presenting technical information to non-technical peers. After receiving feedback, I worked on simplifying my explanations and using visual aids. This effort paid off, and I started receiving positive feedback for my clarity and effectiveness in communication. During my internship, I was responsible for presenting the performance improvement plan to the executive team. I created a detailed presentation that included graphs and charts to visually represent the data. By clearly explaining the issues and proposed solutions, I gained the team's support and approval for my plan. This led to the successful implementation of several changes, which significantly improved the application's performance. This experience taught me the importance of clear communication in driving project success.
Adaptability is a strength that has served me well in fast-paced environments. I first recognized this ability during my high school years when I juggled multiple extracurricular activities and academic responsibilities. In my first year of college, I faced a situation where I had to quickly learn a new programming language for a group project. Initially, I struggled, but by dedicating extra hours and utilizing online resources, I was able to catch up and contribute effectively to the project. This experience highlighted my ability to adapt and learn quickly. At the startup where I worked last summer, I was assigned to a project involving a technology I had never used before. I dedicated myself to learning it quickly by taking online courses and practicing with small projects. Within a few weeks, I was able to contribute to the project effectively. My adaptability not only helped the team meet its deadlines but also earned me recognition from my supervisors for my quick learning and versatility. This experience reinforced the importance of being adaptable in a constantly changing tech environment.

4. What are your greatest weaknesses?

‍When an interviewer asks about your weaknesses, they want to gauge your self-awareness and willingness to improve. The key to answering this question is to be honest but also show that you are proactive in addressing your weaknesses. Focus on weaknesses that are relevant to the job but not critical, and emphasize the steps you are taking to improve.

Examples of weaknesses that you should NOT mention:

  • Critical skills for the job (“programming” or “communication”)
  • Cliché answers (“perfectionism” or “working too much”)
  • Irrelevant attributes (“doom scrolling on TikTok” or “fighting with my siblings”)
  • Unlikable qualities (“laziness” or “dishonesty”)

For each weakness you choose, structure your response like this:

  • Overview: Describe this weakness. When have you noticed that you struggle with it?
  • Example: When did you first notice this weakness? What was the context in which this weakness affected you? 
  • Future Improvement: What actions have you taken to address or mitigate this weakness? Be specific about what you did and how you did it. What has been the outcome? What have you learned from your experiences?

Example Answer

Delegating tasks has been challenging for me because I often feel that I can complete the work more efficiently if I do it myself. I first noticed this weakness during group projects in college. During a team project in my junior year, I took on most of the work myself, believing it would be faster and better executed. This approach led to burnout and an uneven distribution of work among team members. It became clear that I needed to improve my delegation skills to avoid these issues in the future. In my recent internship, I was leading a small team on a software development project. Initially, I tried to handle most of the coding myself, but I quickly realized this was unsustainable. I decided to assign specific tasks to each team member based on their strengths and provided clear instructions and support. By delegating effectively, we not only met our deadlines but also improved the team's morale and productivity. This experience taught me the importance of trust and collaboration in achieving team success.
Time management has been a challenge for me, especially when juggling multiple tasks and deadlines. I first noticed this during my early professional experiences. In my first job, I often underestimated the time required to complete tasks, leading to rushed work and missed deadlines. This realization made me understand the importance of better planning and time management. To address this weakness, I started using project management tools like Trello and set aside time each week to plan and prioritize my tasks. I also began breaking down larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks with specific deadlines. This approach helped me manage my workload more effectively and meet my deadlines consistently. As a result, my productivity and the quality of my work improved significantly. This experience taught me the value of proper time management and planning.
Being too honest has been a weakness for me, as I sometimes provide blunt feedback that can be perceived as harsh. I first noticed this during team projects where my straightforwardness sometimes caused friction. In one of my earlier roles, I gave direct feedback to a colleague about their work, and it wasn’t received well. This experience made me realize that while honesty is important, the delivery of feedback is equally crucial. Recently, while working on a team project, I made a conscious effort to be more tactful in my feedback. Instead of bluntly pointing out issues, I focused on providing constructive criticism and highlighting positive aspects as well. I also took a course on effective communication to further improve my skills in this area. This change in approach resulted in a more positive team environment and better collaboration. This experience taught me the importance of balancing honesty with empathy to ensure effective and positive communication.

5. Why do you want to work here?

‍When an interviewer asks why you want to work at their company, they want to know if you have a genuine interest in the organization and if you’ve done your homework. A great answer will reflect your knowledge of the company, your alignment with its values and goals, and how you see yourself contributing to its success.

The most important aspect of answering this question is avoiding generic answers. One or two of your reasons for your interest in the company can be applicable to other places, but at least one should be very specific. Your real answer to this question might be “because you pay well and I need a job,” but you should try to convince your interviewer that this is your dream company.

With that in mind, here’s how to structure your response:

  • Overview: What are your overall reasons for wanting to work at this company? How did you come to be interested in it?
  • Reason 1: What aspects of the company align with your career goals?
  • Reason 2: What aspects of the company align with your interests/personal values?
  • Good fit: Why would you enjoy this role? Why do you think you’d be a good choice for this role, given your skills and experience?

Example Answer

I am excited about the opportunity to work at XYZ Company because of its reputation for innovation and commitment to sustainability. I have been following the company's advancements in renewable energy and environmental conservation, and I am eager to contribute to such impactful work.
One aspect of the company that aligns with my career goals is its focus on technological innovation. I am passionate about leveraging technology to solve complex problems, and I believe that XYZ Company's cutting-edge approach aligns perfectly with my aspirations to be at the forefront of innovation in the industry.
Another aspect that resonates with me is the company's commitment to sustainability. As someone who is deeply passionate about environmental conservation, I am inspired by XYZ Company's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainable practices. I am eager to contribute my skills and expertise to furthering these initiatives.
Additionally, I am impressed by XYZ Company's dedication to providing valuable learning opportunities for its interns. I recently learned about the company's business education program, which offers interns the chance to participate in workshops and seminars led by industry experts. This program not only enhances interns' skills but also provides valuable insights into the business side of the industry. As someone who is keen on continuous learning and professional development, I see this program as a fantastic opportunity to broaden my knowledge and grow both personally and professionally.
I believe that my background in software engineering and my experience working on renewable energy projects make me a strong candidate for this role. I have a proven track record of implementing sustainable solutions and collaborating with cross-functional teams to achieve goals. I am confident that my skills and passion for sustainability make me an ideal fit for the team at XYZ Company.


Behavioral interview questions can seem daunting, but with preparation and practice, they are entirely manageable. By anticipating common questions and crafting thoughtful responses, you can confidently tackle any behavioral interview you face. Remember, these questions are designed to assess your past experiences and how they’ve prepared you for future challenges. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your answers and provide clear, concise examples.