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LinkedIn Creators That Every Aspiring Tech Intern Needs to Follow

August 12, 2024

The tech internship search is tricky to navigate, but there are so many people who can help! If you’re an aspiring (or current) tech intern, give these LinkedIn pages a follow to make sure that their helpful advice shows up on your feed.

Internship Playbook - Our Linkedin page (very subtle self-promo, we know)! We post new roles, tips and tricks, and more

Lasse Palomaki - Practical advice on every aspect of internships and student careers

Manny Duenas - Intuit tech recruiter building community among interns

Rachel Graham - University Recruiter who has lots of experience helping students land internships

Intern Ship - In-person intern networking events and a (very recently announced!) intern Discord server

Esther Akamnonu - content and advice about internships

Jobright.ai - AI job search assistant with an internship masterlist and a blog

Morgan Young - Gen Z creator with helpful advice on breaking into tech and finding internships

Rachelle De Muy - Deloitte recruiter who posts advice for young professionals

Nina Sukonrat - NYU Design student who posts about internship roles (mostly related to Product Management and Data)

Alex Nguyen - Software Engineer with engineering knowledge and tips, as well as insight into the industry

Andrew Yeung - Hosts weekly events for creators and founders in NYC