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Beating ATS Screens

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Keep it SimpleDon’t do anything unusual with your resume layout, such as creating two columns or different sections. A traditional resume may not look “pretty,” but it will get the job done. Also, don’t add any pictures. The goal is to keep the resume as simple as possible, which will make it easier for automated systems to read. Take advantage of our templates if you’re unsure whether or not your resume meets these requirements.

HeadingsTitle each section on your resume (e.g. Education, Experience, …), so that the system can easily identify the sections.KeywordsMake sure to include all of the skills and technologies you have experience with.  Trackers will be looking for these keywords, so include as many as applicable. Also, fully write out all of these terms (e.g. Amazon Web Services instead of AWS). 

You can ensure that your resume will be a good match for a specific company by looking at the keywords on the job posting. Include these terms (if applicable) on your resume. 

File TypePDFs are much easier to open and read, so many recruiters prefer this format. Any word processing program will have a “Download as PDF” option, so make sure to submit a .pdf version of your resume.