Open Chapter Overview


Calendar Overview

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One of the most challenging aspects of the internship process is figuring out the timeline. Below, you'll find a general overview of what a year in the internship process looks like. You can also use this graphic timeline that includes both an Early Starter timeline and a Late Starter timeline.


  • Most summer internships start in June and last for about 10-12 weeks
  • During this time, some companies post information about internships for the following year so keep your eye out for these postings.
  • Still internship season
  • A few more companies may post information for the following year.
  • Still internship season
  • Internship postings for the following summer start picking up now
  • The postings will likely be competitive internships at FAANG Companies and finance firms. 

What You Should Be Doing:

  • Complete independent projects
  • Practice coding questions
  • Create a resume
  • Apply to the few jobs that have been posted
  • Start sending out networking messages to people at companies you’re interested in.


  • Back to school
  • Lots of postings coming out for big and midsize companies
  • Interviewing will be picking up.
  • Lots of postings coming out
  • Top companies will hire many people
  • Postings still rolling out, even for some big companies
  • Most competitive internships have wrapped up interviews by the end of the month. 

What You Should Be Doing:

  • Begin applying to newly-posted jobs
  • Continue interview prep
  • Keep networking.


December - February
  • Postings still coming out, but slowing down
  • Less competitive internships will be interviewing and finalizing offers.

What You Should Be Doing:

  • Applying, interviewing, staying sharp on the studying you have done
  • Use personal connections if you aren’t seeing any success from previous applications.


  • Startups and small companies start to post internships for the current summer. 

What You Should Be Doing:

  • If you haven’t found anything yet, lean hard on networking
  • Aim for smaller companies
  • Still keep applying to anything you see posted
  • Reach out to recruiters if possible.