Open Chapter Overview


Grade-Level Advice

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High Schoolers 

Take anything you can get! There aren’t many internships for high schoolers because companies would rather hire more experienced students. Some startups may offer these, but you’ll have to be willing to accept low/no pay or more menial work. However, finding an internship is definitely worth it, as this experience will help you get into college and secure your next internship.

Internships Before Sophomore/Junior Year

Most people will get their first internship during one of these summers. Apply for every underclassmen-focused program you can find, full list here.

Don’t worry if you aren’t getting the internship of your dreams at this point. Getting any internship is great experience (even if not in a software engineering position) and will be a stepping stone to your next opportunity.

Internships Before Senior Year

Start early, as you’ll want to be applying to positions by the Summer and early Fall of your junior year. While you should be flexible about location, consider where you’ll want to be long term and at what type of company you’d like to work after you graduate. If you secure an internship at a company you love, that can easily become a full time job. Don’t panic if you can’t find a job until the Spring or early Summer of your junior year, companies will be hiring throughout the year. Lean into your network and leverage connections.


If the job market is especially tough this year and you haven’t been able to find a job you love, consider accepting a post-grad internship. This is a common way to begin your career, and can give you the experience needed to secure a great job.