Open Chapter Overview


Remembering What You've Learned

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The key to retaining knowledge is repetition. Even if you fully understand Dynamic Programming in July, you might need to re-learn it in October. Hopefully, a quick reminder is all you’ll need if you forget a concept; if so, you’re definitely improving!

Taking Notes

We recommend creating a Google doc full of notes that will help you retain your coding problem abilities. Information you’ll want to add includes:

  • Patterns you find difficult/confusing and strategies that help you understand them
  • Problems that you struggle with and their solutions
  • Libraries/functions/tips you find useful for solving problems in your chosen programming language
  • Anything else that you think your future self would benefit from

Additionally, for each of the Blind 75 problems, write the solution in words in the “Note” column here. This will give you a quick reminder when you haven’t seen a problem in a while.

If You're Still Forgetting Concepts

If these strategies aren’t working for you and you seem to be forgetting all of your knowledge every few months, there’s a good chance that you don’t fully understand the concepts and solutions. Instead of Googling the solution and moving on, make sure that every line of code makes sense to you. Then, try to reproduce the solution a few days later.