Open Chapter Overview


Stop Wasting Your Time

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It can be overwhelming to navigate all of the coding problems available online. It can also be easy to waste time going down a rabbit hole on one particular topic, leaving you without experience in other areas. Instead, use the tips below to avoid wasting time.

Getting StuckIt can be easy to spend hours trying to solve a problem that you’re stuck on. But, spending more than 30 minutes without making progress is probably a waste of your time. It is good practice to keep at it when you’re stuck, but try not to spend too much time. If you’re not making any progress, use the resources in the previous module to get help.

Make a PlanThe best way to make sure you’re accomplishing your studying goals is by making a plan. If you have 30 minutes a day to dedicate to coding practice, aim to solve one to two problems in that time period. Or try to solve 5 problems each day of the weekend. Setting goals will help ensure that you’re ready to crush interviews when they arrive.