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Find Out What Companies Your School Works With and What Career Events They Host

Your school's career services and computer science department are invaluable resources. Many universities have established partnerships with tech companies and host a variety of career events throughout the year.

Career Fairs These events bring numerous companies to your campus, offering a unique opportunity to meet recruiters and learn about various internship programs.

Information Sessions Companies often hold presentations to provide insights into their work culture, projects, and what they look for in interns. If they are holding an information session at your school, this is a great opportunity to show your interest in working for them.

Workshops and Panels These can include resume-building workshops, interview preparation sessions, and panels featuring alumni in the industry.

Make sure to regularly check your school’s career services website and sign up for newsletters to stay updated on upcoming events.

Reach Out to Recruiters Ahead of Time to Introduce Yourself and Set Up Interviews

Don’t wait for career fair to start to introduce yourself to recruiters. If you know they are going to be at your school ahead of time, you can reach out introducing yourself and lett them know that you are looking forward to meeting them in-person. 

You can find their contact information through LinkedIn or ask your career services for their email. Introduce yourself, share your resume, and express your enthusiasm for their company.

It is also possible that your school’s alumni will be in attendance. Do some research on them and find connections between the two of you (e.g. you both worked on the student newspaper). Finding common experiences are a great way to start conversation and build a connection with someone you haven’t met before. 

Treat Career Fairs Like an Interview

Career fairs are not just casual networking events; they are your first opportunity to make a strong impression on potential employers.

Do Your Research

Before the career fair, research the companies that will be attending. Understand their products, values, and what they are looking for in interns.

Dress Professionally

Business casual attire is typically appropriate. First impressions matter, and dressing well shows that you are serious about the opportunity.

Prepare Your Elevator Pitch

Be ready to introduce yourself concisely, highlighting your skills, experiences, and what you are looking for in an internship.

Behavioral Answers

Prepare answers to common behavioral interview questions. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses. Find our STAR worksheet in our resources. 

Have Questions Ready

Show your interest by preparing thoughtful questions about the company’s projects, team dynamics, and what they look for in an intern, etc. Find our question idea list in our resources. 

Bring Copies of Your Resume to Give to Companies

Update your resume before you know that you will be handing it out to recruiters. Career fairs are becoming more digitized, so have a hard copy of your resume and a copy on your phone 

Students at Liberal Arts Schools

The recruiting process is slightly different for students at Liberal Arts schools. Check out our blog post for more info.