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Writing Cover Letters

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Cover letters are far less important than they used to be, but they can still help convey your level of interest in a company.

Should I write a cover letter for every application?

We don’t think writing a cover letter to accompany all of your applications is a good use of your time, but for your top few companies, it can be helpful. The big tech companies care less about cover letters than smaller, non-tech companies might. So target your efforts towards companies that will actually read and appreciate your letter.

Cover Letter Structure

  • Start with an address and greeting
  • Paragraph 1: explain the purpose of the letter
  • Paragraph 2: discuss your background and experience
  • Paragraph 3: detail the reasons why this company is the right fit for you (including why you identify with the company values) and why you would be a valuable addition to their staff
  • Sign-off: thank the reader for their time and sign the letter with your full name.

You can find our cover letter template here.