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How to Organize Your Search

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EztrackrWith all of these applications floating around, it’s really important to keep everything organized. We recommend an organizational platform and Chrome extension called Eztrackr, which has lots of great features including Note Taking, Contact Management, and a Timeline.

Add a new job each time you submit an application. If there’s a job portal, be sure to include the link and password as well, so that you can easily log back in later. If you have a connection within the company, put their name and email in your notes too. If a recruiter reaches out to you, record their name and email. Update the job notes after you get an assessment, interview, offer, or rejection.

Speeding up Applications

  • Keep your resume, descriptions of previous jobs and projects, and a list of skills in a folder on your computer for easy access (Workday is especially annoying)
  • Type this content out once and then copy and paste into the various application portals
  • For each application, update your skills list to match the job description by replacing irrelevant skills with ones that the job posting mentions

Personal vs. School InformationWe recommend using a personal email for all of your applications. The main reason is that you’ll eventually lose access to your school email. That could cause some quite annoying situations if you need to find a recruiter’s name or end up working full time at a company that you interned with. However, make sure that your email address is professional. If it includes inappropriate words or numbers, make a new one and start using that as your personal email. Some great formats are

If all of these are taken, add some numbers after the name.


‍One exception to this recommendation is when networking with school alumni. In that case, you should reach out with your school email, as you’ll be much more likely to get a response.